It’s a well-known fact that Monday is basically the worst day of the week ever. Honestly, we’re not exaggerating – the Boomtown Rats and The Mickey Mouse Club wrote a song about it, so it’s obviously true.
So it’s no surprise that we’d consider Cyber Monday to be the best Monday ever. Need proof? Here’s why…
Monday? No. Monday + shopping? Yes.

It’s actually been scientifically proven that we feel worse on a Monday than any other day of the week. The combination of a disrupted sleep cycle, an emotional shift from relaxed to stressed, and the guilt of a weekend of indulgence can make a girl feel down in the dumps. However, a study has found that shopping can actually make us feel happier – so will counteract any Monday blues. Yay Cyber Monday!
Beat the Monday blues with…
It's the one day of the year when online shopping at work is totally acceptable.

It’s all about fashion

Black Friday is notorious for being electricals-focussed, with shoppers swinging handbags over cut-price TVs at 5am: so not our style. Cyber Monday is considerably more fashion-orientated, with the majority of deals on ‘soft goods’ like clothes, accessories and footwear. Starting the week off with a new wardrobe = right up our street…
Our favourite fashionable bargains are…
We'll have all those parcels to look forward to throughout the week.

Any excuse not to go outside is okay with us

Not that we’re planning on hibernating this winter, but any excuse to stay curled up under a duvet than brace the sub-zero temperatures is fine by us. Cyber Monday is the online equivalent to Black Friday, which means all shopping can be done in pyjamas – rejoice.
Stay snug this Cyber Monday in…

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