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MyBag Hearts Dom & Ink

MyBag Hearts Dom & Ink
Lily Shepherd
Editor8 years ago
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We’ve got a confession to make: we’ve got a major crush. The subject of our obsession affection is 30 year old illustrator (and all round sasspot) Dominic Evans – aka Dom & Ink, the brains behind the hugely successful ‘Map My…’ fashion journal series.

Dom & Ink

We sat down with Dom for a gossip, discussing everything from celebrity fans to breaking the internet – read our exclusive interview below…

Q&A: The Serious

Tell us about yourself: who’s the creative behind Dom & Ink?

ME! I’m Dominic Evans and I hail from the the not so sunny Bolton in Greater Manchester….

What inspired you to become an illustrator?

I’ve always been heavily inspired by comic book art. When I was younger, I was very much into figures and people - I had this huge book on comic book art that taught me everything I know about how to draw. Slowly over the years I became interested in fashion also, so I bridged the gap by developing my fashion illustrations more. Also, I cannot sew FOR SH*T - so clearly design was a no go for me…


Which has been your favourite illustration to date?

I’d had to say it’s one of the first ones I ever did as a ‘DOM&INK’ in 2013. It was of Nosferatsu sucking on some blood. Kinda kitsch, kinda campy and fairly macabre. My perfect mix of visual! I remember drawing it up and having so much fun - it wasn’t even for any brief, it was just for me on a rainy Tuesday when I lived in Brighton and seagulls regularly attacked me.

Dom and Ink Illos

We’re a little in awe of all your celebrity fans – who’s been your favourite to work with, and why?

I haven’t really had a chance to work with any, but I’ve had a fair few reposts which have left my jaw dropping. I’d have to say illustrating Cheryl then meeting her like, an hour later was crazy. It’s so rare when you’re an illustrator that you get to meet a big name you've drawn, so it made my 2015 AWESOME.  Also, her reposting my work has opened me up to whole new set of fans, followers, brands and agencies I have starting working with.

You’ve created some seriously fab colouring books and collaborated on a clothing line - what’s next?

SO. MUCH. MORE. I’ve just moved back to London, so I’m really hoping I can take on even more amazing clients and opportunities. I’m currently developing a few different book ideas I want to pitch. ‘Map My Style’ and ‘Map My Heart’ have both been super popular overseas also, so I feel it’s time for a third book to hit the shelves. All top secret right now of course!

In regards to ‘Rock On Ruby Clothing’, we’re actually working on growing the brand even more with loads more products. There will be so many awesome announcements soon I genuinely cannot contain myself!

What’s been your biggest ‘OMG!’ moment with Dom & Ink?

I think aside from the cheeky reposts off a few celebs, I’d definitely have to say seeing my first book, ‘Map My Heart’ for the first time ever. It was surreal (and still is). I have to pinch myself that I illustrated and wrote two books available around the world. It’s mental and I’m very, very lucky!

Q&A: The Sassy


What are your top three most-used emojis?


  1. Nail painting emoji. It has sass. It has attitude. It has nail polish. What more do you need?

  2. Monkey with hands over eyes - I use this for when I typo something, say something stupid or forget something. Which is so very regular.

  3. Unicorn emoji - just ’cause, duh. Though where my dinosaur and mermaid emojis at?!

What’s your Starbucks order?

Hazelnut latte with soya. Though give me almond milk anyday, I freaking love almond milk. It is life! Oh and if I’m Pret, one of those dairy free coconut bites. They are so hard to find but so worth the 45 minute trek across London from branch to branch to find them. Not that I do that. Ever. Not at all.

Dom and Ink Illo 2

Three things you could never live without are…

  1. Inking pen. I need an inking pen all the time. All I do is draw, draw, draw, so for me I’d need this. I’m hoping if there was no paper lying around I’d just free style and draw on a rock or something…

  2. iPhone. I need my phone. It connects me with all my clients and is basically full of screenshots of stuff I love. Oh and loads of RuPaul and Cheryl music. Obvs.

  3. My biker jacket. Its’ from Zara two year ago, cost me £40 in the sale, and I wear it religiously. Biker jackets go with everything. I feel if I was Prime Minister, I would make it a law that every person has a biker jacket so they can feel full-time fabulous like me at all times. Yup.

If you were going to break the internet, how would you do it?

Well, Kim K just gets naked. So I’d probably get naked too. Though I feel it wouldn’t break it, it would be more like traumatise the internet - not in a good way either!

If we ask super nicely, will you draw MyBag an exclusive illustration?

Inspired by the handbags...



Want to learn more about our favourite fashion-forward illustrator? Check out his website here (or stalk his Insta here).

Lover of statement accessories, scented candles, anything pink and a little bit of sparkle. A Southern girl in Manchester, when I’m not drooling over designer handbags I can be found fashion blogging, or exploring my new Northern home. My signature look? A nude lip and a very flamboyant pair of shoes.