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We’re All Bridget Jones. Here’s Why

We’re All Bridget Jones. Here’s Why
Lily Shepherd
Editor8 years ago
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Don’t get too excited, but tomorrow – September 16th, 2016 – the next installment in the Bridget Jones franchise finally hits our screens. The first movie was released way back when in 2001, quickly becoming a worldwide success – in part, due to the accessible, relatable, girl-next-door protagonist.

Ever empathised with Bridget, or felt her pain during those ‘All By Myself’ solos? Take a peek below and see why we’re convinced that Bridget Jones is our spirit animal…      



“Am enjoying a relationship with two men simultaneously. The first called Ben, the other, Jerry.”

Far too often in films, relationships are portrayed as downright fabulous. No arguments, no squabbles, and no fighting over whose turn it is to take the bins out; and that’s assuming it was plain sailing getting together in the first place. Bridget’s love life is a lot more believable than the majority of rom-coms – an emotional roller-coaster full of crying into ice-cream and wearing pajamas 24/7, coupled with excruciating moments of meeting the parents and first date disasters. Hands up if that sounds like your dating life…



“Scary stomach-holding-in pants are very popular with grannies the world over.”

We don’t care what anyone says – big pants are comfy pants. Similarly, it’s a sad fact of life that we don’t necessarily get it right in the fashion stakes every time (although, with MyBag’s help, your accessories will always be on point.) Just like Bridget, we’ve got our fair share of fashion fails and flops – but we just think that’s a learning curve to help us develop our individual styles.



“The gravy needs sieving.” “Surely not - just stir it, Una.”

In a world of celebrity scrutiny, dieting and food has never been so in the limelight. However, we can’t all look like Gigi Hadid (unfair), so making sure we keep the balance between junk food and exercise is imperative – just maybe, as shown by Bridget’s love/hate relationship with her thighs, not as manageable as we’d expect.



“My mum: a strange creature from the time when pickles on toothpicks were still the height of sophistication.”

Parents: will we ever understand them? (Spoiler alert: unlikely.) If you don’t have a Waltons-inspired relationship with your family – more of a ten-minute-phone-call-once-a-week type – you and Bridget are definitely soul sisters.



“This is Bridget Jones, with Sit Up Britain, searching for tuna.”

Have you ever been in a job where you’ve found yourself thinking how did I get here? Done you fair share of slogging up the careers ladder to bag your dream role? Unfortunately, it’s extremely rare that a job will miraculously fall into your lap and you’ll fulfill your childhood ambition, so all that hard work is crucial – à la Bridget, climbing up a fireman’s pole. Eek.

In celebration of the release of Bridget Jones’ Baby, take a look at some of our favourite Bridget-inspired accessories – big pants optional...


Lover of statement accessories, scented candles, anything pink and a little bit of sparkle. A Southern girl in Manchester, when I’m not drooling over designer handbags I can be found fashion blogging, or exploring my new Northern home. My signature look? A nude lip and a very flamboyant pair of shoes.