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7 Recipes for the Most Instagrammable Foods Ever

7 Recipes for the Most Instagrammable Foods Ever
Lily Shepherd
Editor8 years ago
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It's no secret that, here at MyBag HQ, we're big on food. We're also big on social media, so when you bring those two together, it's a match made in heaven...

When we're not taking pictures of our latest handbag purchases or creating fabulous flat-lays (marble background, natch), we're probably trying to take arty-yet-appealing pictures of our food. With the hashtag #food amassing a seriously impressive 183,979,678 results on Instagram, and #foodporn coming in close second with 96,034,854 posts, there's never been a better time to show the world what you're having for lunch.

If, like us, the best you can manage is a slightly blurry picture of your leftover pizza, you're probably on the hunt for some recipes to up you Insta-food game. We're here to help - take a look (and drool over) some seriously tasty treats we've found online, and then try making them yourselves...

Avocado on Toast

Avocado on Toast

It would be surely be sacrilege to write a post about Instagrammable foods and forget the avocado. Effectively ignored in supermarkets until it suddenly became painfully trendy overnight, smashed avocado on rye has to be one of the most frequently snapped breakfasts online.

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If you’ve got high cholesterol or you’re on a strict diet, we’d recommend you stop reading right about now. Freakshakes originated in Australia, and aim to satisfy every sweet craving you've ever had at once: a mammoth milkshake made from icecream, topped with sweeties, donuts, cookies and whipped cream, arranged artfully in jam jars or sundae glasses. WE WANT.

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Regardless of whether you've got that #FridayFeeling or if it's simply #ThirstyThursday, a beautifully made cocktail is worthy of an Instagram filter or two. Bonus points for the addition of carefully placed accessories - we like pineapples, cacti or small, potted succulents.

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There's something strangely satisfying about a line of donuts - probably because they're easier to eat in one go that way. Whether you go for iced and sprinkled, or a classic sugared and filled, make sure your donuts are as unhealthy and moreish as possible for ultimate Insta love.

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Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie Bowl Alpha Foodie

The healthiest - and prettiest - breakfast trend around, smoothie bowls show your followers two things: you're a clean eater, and you're serious about it - smoothie bowls take serious preparation and are not for the faint hearted. Balled dragon fruit, anyone?

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Lemon Popsicles

Even though we've had about two days of heat this summer, there's always an excuse for a Popsicle (or ice lolly, as we Brits affectionately call them). Popsicles can be tricky to shoot though, what with the melting factor, so make sure you snap fast when updating your feed.

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If you're carb-free, the majority of these foods have probably not been for you (sorry). Enter courgetti - spaghetti made from shredded courgette, which is one of the healthiest and tastiest pasta alternatives. We make up for the lack of carbs by loading ours with pesto and cheese, a la Deliciously Ella.

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Images courtesy of Instagram

Lover of statement accessories, scented candles, anything pink and a little bit of sparkle. A Southern girl in Manchester, when I’m not drooling over designer handbags I can be found fashion blogging, or exploring my new Northern home. My signature look? A nude lip and a very flamboyant pair of shoes.